Strategic Plan Development

I support the Leadership Team by facilitating the process of developing a robust, measurable business plan that fulfils the purpose, vision and values of an organisation.

Without facilitation, a strategic plan can easily become the wish list of the most vocal, or the one most capable of producing the document. Even dedicated and strong leaders will find themselves capitulating in order to maintain some sort of momentum in an often long winded process.

Most of the value of the output – the plan – is in the process of building it, which can create unity, focus and teamwork at an Executive Team level when done well. When not, it is a laborious labour of misguided responsibility that is often not worth the paper it’s written on – let alone the head hours put into it.

Doug ensures that the process of developing a plan, is as valuable as the plan itself. Defining Purpose, Vision and Values is the starting point. Clients are guided through developing a plan with defined strategic result areas, measurements and targets, a gap analysis and a roadmap for delivery.

It is a process that is designed individually for each firm, working within the capabilities of the firm and building those along the way.